Saying no is braver than saying yes


Saying no is braver than saying yes.

The hardest things we do are found in walking away.

  • Leaving my marriage was far harder than starting it.

  • Quitting my stable career was harder than creating a new one.

  • Not agreeing to my doctor’s prognosis is far harder than being diagnosed.

And for Simone, say yes to her ticket to Tokyo was far easier than walking off the mat during a medal bid, in front of the entire world, her team and her country.

Every single time I have walked away from expectations, stories, labels, jobs, people or opportunity, the no part means more than the yes.

Simone Biles is brave. She is strong. And she is a leader.

Leaders go first.  The put their team ahead of their fame. They do what is unpopular when it is right.

We all have suffered dire consequences when we do the small thing we know we shouldn’t.

Maybe you avoided a no and  sent a lame text, a bad call on driving or a bad career choice.

To all those armchair naysayers, to name calling finger pointers:  look in the mirror.  Simone is not the problem. You are triggered by her bravery and it puts your own inability to walk away in question.

Use her strength as a guidepost: let this be your battle cry to wake up and choose what you allow differently.

For Simone, flipping head over hands on any of her gymnastics events could mean death.  This is not a trivial choice: it’s an actual life and death moment.

Bravo brave girl.  You continue to show us how special you are.






When stuck, stop pushing


Time out is good for the soul