erin fucigna erin fucigna

The break up mess up

Nothing lands more tone deaf than a professional services company calling for the 5th time to try and get you to reactivate services. Especially when you have told them 5 times you cancelled because of terrible customer service.

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erin fucigna erin fucigna

Own it, don’t avoid it

This week we learned yet again, how important it is to have a good strategy for bad situations. When a terrible piece of news threatens your business, you must be ready. One of the worst things you can do for your own PR, is to attempt to push the thing away.

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erin fucigna erin fucigna

When stuck, stop pushing

One thing I've learned in many, many years of feeling stuck is that pushing harder doesn't work. Let's think of an easy example: you've lost your car key.

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erin fucigna erin fucigna

Time out is good for the soul

In the last two months, I took a break. I needed to step back from writing, the podcast and a few other weekly activities to gain a better perspective.

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